Photography Booking Calendar

Book sessions & services online from your website.


Photography booking calendar

Integrated into Sytist is a booking calendar system that allows you to create services that can be booked online. You have options like:

  • Set days you are available and also the times available for each day.
  • Make specific days unavailable.
  • When services are booked, it makes the date / time unavailable on the calendar for the service length.
  • Create different types of services to offer and set the length of the service.
  • Create "All Day Events" that if booked takes up the whole day.
  • Create "Once a Day Events" which can only happen once a day (like a sunset beach session).
  • Create a "Special Event Day" where only spots for that service on that day can be booked (like for a mini session day).
  • Create options for your services that not only can you add an additional cost, but also additional time.
  • Option to require a deposit or not for the booking request to go through.

The calendar system also allows you to keep track of events for yourself and of your customers and also create recurring events.

View the Booking Calendar in the demo.

Additional information and video tutorial located here in the manual.

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